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June 26, 2024

Non Profit Newspod: Call For Entries Deadline Updates! Social Venture Partners Fast Pitch/Assoc of Fundraising Professionals Philanthropy Summit.

Non Profit Newspod: Call For Entries Deadline Updates! Social Venture Partners Fast Pitch/Assoc of Fundraising Professionals Philanthropy Summit.

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How can nonprofits master the art of storytelling to amplify their impact? Listen as Brad Squires, CEO of Social Venture Partners Sacramento, as he unveils the Fast Pitch program. Applications are open until June 30th, and Brad shares how this three-month initiative teams up nonprofits with seasoned coaches to fine-tune their messaging. Discover how this transformative opportunity equips organizations to attract more donors and volunteers, and hear about the exciting grants, awards, and live donations that await successful participants.

We also catch up with Rod Malloy, founder and CEO of Perspectives Media Group and President of the Board of Directors of the Association of Professional Fundraisers, to dive into the latest updates for the National Philanthropy Day Awards. Originally due on June 28th, the nomination deadline has been extended to July 15th, giving more time to spotlight the heroes of philanthropy. Rod provides a sneak peek into the upcoming Philanthropy Summit Sacramento on October 7th and the various awards designed to honor significant contributions to the Sacramento region. Don't miss out on how you can nominate outstanding changemakers and celebrate their incredible achievements.
To apply for SVP Fast Pitch, visit:
To apply for AFP NFD awards visit:https:


00:08 - Jeff Holden (Host)
I'm talking with Brad Squires, ceo of Social Venture Partners Sacramento, and, brad, I understand you've got a deadline coming up on something called Fast Pitch, which is one of your really big presentation opportunities for nonprofits in the community. Can you tell us a little bit about that and when the deadline is? 

00:24 - Brad Squires (Guest)
Yeah, you know, fast Pitch helps nonprofits tell their story and we're excited about our 10th annual program this year. We have the application open right now through the end of June, so just a little bit left before the applications are due. That's for nonprofits and also for coaches. So we're looking for 15 nonprofits that we can put through this program. It's a three-month program. It's not a huge commitment, but there is a commitment to helping them work through a program and helping them tell their story. And then each nonprofit's paired with two coaches, and so we're looking for coaches that want to come alongside each nonprofit to help them work through the process. It's a really great program and certainly worth the time. 

01:07 - Jeff Holden (Host)
And what's the benefit? What is the outcome, what's the award? 

01:10 - Brad Squires (Guest)
Yeah, you know, when a nonprofit can tell their story well, in a concise, compelling way, it helps them to grow their capacity. Of course, you know, with our program we have grants and awards that come with that and then we have some live donations that happen at our showcase event in November. But beyond that, to be able to tell their story well gives them the tools to be able to grow their donors donor base, grow their volunteers and really scale their impact. 

01:35 - Jeff Holden (Host)
And the application process ends June 30th. 

01:38 - Brad Squires (Guest)
June 30th and they can go to svpsacramentoorg and there's a link to the fast pitch information and there's a webinar that shares a little more detail for both coaches and nonprofits that we recorded and posted to the website, and then there's a really simple application. We're looking for more nonprofits, more coaches, to get involved svpsacramentoorg. Yeah, svpsacramentoorg, or just Google that You'll find it. 

02:03 - Jeff Holden (Host)
Excellent, Brad. Thank you. Let's hope we get more applications than ever before. 

02:07 - Brad Squires (Guest)
Sounds good, jeff. Thank you, appreciate it. 

02:08 - Jeff Holden (Host)
Thank you. I'm joined now by Rod Malloy. Rod is the founder and CEO of Perspectives Media Group, as well as the president of the board of directors for AFP California Capital Chapter. Did I get that right, Rod? 

02:24 - Rod Malloy (Guest)
You did. 

02:25 - Jeff Holden (Host)
Well, we've got some interesting news for anybody that's concerned for their application for National Philanthropy Day Awards, which is coming up on October 7th this year, correct. 

02:34 - Rod Malloy (Guest)
That is correct, and so we've got some good news. 

02:36 - Jeff Holden (Host)
June 28th was the deadline, but it's now been extended. Do you want to give us a little bit of information about both the awards program and the extension? 

02:44 - Rod Malloy (Guest)
Sure. So the key thing is that the award deadline for National Philanthropy Day Awards in Sacramento, with the AFP Capital California Capital Chapter and the Sacramento Region Community Foundation as a partner and as a leading partner, and the Plan giving forum of greater Sacramento and SVP fast pitch. We're all hosting an event on October 7th. It's the debut of the philanthropy summit Sacramento and at that event, the part of the event will be the keynote, or that's even even above the keynote the national philanthropy day awards, which are open for nominations for Heroes of Philanthropy in Sacramento. The original deadline was June 28th, which would have been this week. We have extended the deadline for applications to July 15th. That will give people an extra two weeks to compile their nominations and to get them submitted. You can find the information on the Region Community Foundation website and also on LinkedIn on various different profiles, but also, importantly, on the AFP California Capital Chapter website. 

03:56 - Jeff Holden (Host)
And just real quickly, could you tell us what are the awards for? What's the recognition? Is it a monetary award? 

04:16 - Rod Malloy (Guest)
Is it an award of recognition for performance, who has volunteered at one or more organizations and has become a leader and change maker as a young person. That particular award has a cash prize or award that is connected to it. All of the other awards are recognizing senior people that are involved in philanthropy so somebody over the age of 18 qualifying as an older adult or a senior in my book. And we have awards including Outstanding Changemaker, which relates to diversity, equity and inclusion. We have an Outstanding Philanthropist Award, which acknowledges somebody who has made incredible investments in nonprofit causes in the greater Sacramento region. We have an Outstanding Fundraiser Award, which goes to a professional who exemplifies the standards of AFP as a fundraising professional, and we also have Outstanding Corporation and Organization Award. If you go to the website, you will see all of those awards. I believe I covered the major. You will see all of those awards. I believe I covered the major ones. 

05:27 - Jeff Holden (Host)
I have to compliment you on that the entire conversation so far, because this may be the most mouthful of word challenges that I've ever heard in a conversation. So congratulations for getting all that out. That was fantastic. Well, I'm looking forward to actually meeting you on October 7th. And again, for anybody that has an interest in the awards application for National Philanthropy Day, be sure to visit the websites of either the Sacramento Community Regional Foundation and or AFP. And what is the website there, rod? 

06:03 - Rod Malloy (Guest)
It's really simply afpcccorg, afpcccorg. 

06:12 - Jeff Holden (Host)
Excellent, and we'll have that in the notes for this nonprofit news. Pod Rod. Thank you, I appreciate it.